Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Captain America: Civil War (2016)

So as a declaration I'm Team Captain America and well you can't blame me. The reunion of long lost best friends Steve and Bucky, the blooming of a romance between Wanda and Vision and the unveiling of some new superheroes, or just new actors playing them.
So as the poster suggests this film is about Captain America VS Ironman in a fight about ethics and what the true definition of being a superhero is. Is it being responsible for yourself as a superhero and being to determine who to save and when? or is being a superhero meaning that you are ruled by a governing body and you have to ask their permission whether to go out and save people as it could end up in a societal disaster. So who would you go for Captain America, the avenger who is a true hero or Ironman who is being controlled by the government and we all know how that ended up last time.

I rate this film a 15/20.


Wednesday, 4 May 2016

So I'm thinking of.......

Changing my blog name... Perhaps to;

An English sixthformer with a media mind.

But would that mean I would have to change it if I done get to stay on next September, and when I leave sixthformer what will it be. An English apprentice (not a sorcerer's) with a media mind. Or An English recluse with a media mind.??????

Though recently a thought may be 'an English and Media uni student with nothing better to do'

Best film of my existence (not very long/17 years)- Mr Right (2016)

So it may be the fact that I'm crazy and loves animals as well but I seriously connect with Anna Kendrick in this film. To which she basically is a psycho not cat cat woman who meets a Cray non cat cat guy and are meant to be, yet he's got a special job, being a hitman :) *thumbsup , but he has a consciounce and I'm pretty sure that is spelt wrong. So it's full of amazing gift/gun/dance scenes, a brilliant soundtrack which really shows the film in the correct element and well Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick with her in cat ears, is like Dan and Phil (they are youtubers and did present radio 1 on a Sunday, like 3 years ago not sure if they still do.) When they wore cat whiskers and noses.




I rate this film a 19/20. But who am I to say this completely amazing, I'm just a English sixthformer with a media mind.