Friday 30 January 2015

Movies to watch this year, 2015

Well, as many of you readers have found out by now I am very enthusiastic towards movies and books. Then, you may have gathered that at the start of every year I compile a list of film that look well-worth watching. And here it is.

                                                         Avengers: Age of Ultron
                                                        24th April 2015  (UK)

The plot:
A couple of years after the first Avengers movie happened and The battle of New York has been won Iron Man is trying to work with a self-aware, artificial intelligence piece of software thing named Ultron. When all of a sudden Ultron has taught himself so much and now is aware of so much he has decided that humans need to be destroyed and the main enemy for him is the avengers. Therefore the avengers assemble yet again and try and defeat this baddie before he finishes with his plans. As well as the usual avengers you get to meet Ultron's sidekicks, Pietro (Quicksilver) and Wanda Maximoff (Scarlett Witch).

                                                       Star Wars 7: The force Awakens
                                                              18th December 2015 (UK)

The Plot:
Set 30 years after the events that took place in Return of the Jedi and there are new leads even though some of the old characters like Han Solo are being dusted off the shelf.
Jupiter Ascending
6th February 2015 (UK)
The Plot:
There are other planets and other intergalactic royal families out in the solar system and it just so happens that a new heir is living on earth, Jupiter (Mila Kunis). After a king dies she is one of the main heirs to the throne yet she has to fight off a person who would rather harvest the entire planet Earth rather than give it up to her. On the way Jupiter has the help from a hunky genetically engineered soldier (Channing Tatum) and a half man half bee person (Sean Bean).
Jurassic World
12th June 2015 (UK)
The Plot:
Set twenty-two year after Jurassic Park off of Costa Rica's Pacific coast a new dinosaur theme-park is being built, Jurassic World. The new theme park is owned by a global corporation and one of it's on-site staff Owen ( Chris Pratt) documents behavioural research on the Velociraptors. The new geneticist in the park has crated a new dinosaur, Indominus Rex, a hybrid dinosaur which is slightly like the t-rex. They did this to increase the attendance of visitors to the park however something in the park goes wrong, yet again. In my opinion you would have thought that they have learned by now.
Mad Max: Fury Road
15th May 2015 (UK)
The Plot:
 After an apocalypse has happened the world is but a barren waste land and amongst the world there are mainly just desert. In the world there is a completely alone man , Mad Max (Tom Hardy) and he meets Furiosa (Charlize Theron) who wishes to cross the desert.
Terminator: Genisys
3 July 2015 (UK)
The plot:
 Set in 2029, the leader, John Connor, of the resistance against the war machines notifies his army unit, Tech-Com, that the sky-net will attack in two separate ways, from the past and from the future, this will change all of what they know of warfare. Therefore Connor sends back in time one of his lieutenants to save his mother's life which ensures his existence, Little did Connor know the past has already been changed. Sarah Connor who was orphaned previously by a T-800 (programmed to kill) is now being protected by a T-800 (Programmed to protect). He is training her to face her destiny which she denies to be true. When the lieutenant and Sarah meet they have to escape a new model terminator and the T-1000 sent by the Skynet to assassinate both of the them still with the help with an old terminator.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
29th January 2015 (UK)
The Plot: 
Based on the comic by Mark Millar. A veteran secret service agent takes a new interest in a youth who seems to have good potential in the world of espionage however before he can get too comfortable he has to help take down one of the world's leading criminal masterminds, Valentine.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
20th November 2015 (UK)
Currently there is no trailer for this film. However, if you read the book first you may get the gist of it.
Out now. 23rd January 2015 (UK)
The Plot:
 Based on the Novels by Kyril Bonfiglioli. A famous art dealer, Lord Mortdecai
The Wedding Ringer
20th February 2015 (UK)
20th March 2015
Hot tub time machine 2
10 April 2015 (UK)
17 July 2015

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