This film adaption of Rick Yancey's bestseller tells the struggles of a girl, Cassie (Chloe-Grace Moretz), to find her brother amidst an alien invasion. On the way she falls in love with Ewan (Alex Roe) whilst having a secondary school crush on Ben (Nick Robinson) who also helps save the day, eventually.
The emotions which she has to put aside for her to achieve her target is almighty and this gives Chloe-Grace Moretz a performs which should perhaps win awards. For such a young girl she shows how to present not just how her character is feeling but what the rest of the other characters are feelings. The CGI used on the film is amazing and the coordinated action is highly impressive.
I rate this film a 17/20.
The emotions which she has to put aside for her to achieve her target is almighty and this gives Chloe-Grace Moretz a performs which should perhaps win awards. For such a young girl she shows how to present not just how her character is feeling but what the rest of the other characters are feelings. The CGI used on the film is amazing and the coordinated action is highly impressive.
I rate this film a 17/20.