I know my blog is about reviews of the movies I have watched but, I also have a long list of movies I want to watch. Which is why I am encouraging you to make a list of your own. But, to get you started here is some of mine.
Stanley Kubrick films
-A clockwork orange
-2001 a space odyssey. ( Which apparently has over 60 minutes of silence within the film)
Alfred Hitchcock films
-The birds
-Rear window
-North by north west
Tim Burton films
-Sleepy Hollow
-Planet of the apes
-Sweeney Todd
Other films
-Almost famous
-Love and other drugs
- American beauty
- 12 monkeys
- American psycho
- Anger management
- Punisher
- Blade 2 and 3
And with that I implore you to go and watch at least one of these films and in return comment at the bottom a film you think I should watch.